What Matters Most To Home Buyers A growing popularity of urban housing in some metropolitan areas suggests that an increasing portion of home buyers desire more urban-style amenities. Key characteristics home buyers defined as “very important” 39% – Walkability 32% – Proximity to Work 26% – Neighborhood Diversity 25% – Access to Public Transportation Check out […]
Protecting your property [Infographic]
Protecting your property The FBI reports that a burglary is committed every 20 seconds, with nearly 1.6 million of such crimes nationwide every year. Follow these tips to avoid burglary, especially if your house is listed for sale.
Millennials redefine lifestages [Infographic]
It wasn’t too long ago when life events had a predetermined order that traditional way of life, went something like this: You lived with your parents, got a degree, started a career, got married, bought a house, had kids and you stayed in the same house long after the kids grew up and moved out. Today’s […]
Technology vs Community [Infographic]
A disconnect in community for tech savvy consumers With the rise of popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn we are able to connect with hundreds if not thousands of people no matter their location. But with this virtual connection, there appears to be a real disconnect with ties to the community. […]
Consumers Value Smart Homes [Infographic]
Smart Technology is becoming increasingly more popular in our homes with the rise of smart appliances, thermostats and even light bulbs. A Recent ERA/HGTV Home Automation Survey found Millenials are 10 times more likely to consider incorporating smart features in their homes compared to Generation Xers. This technology doesn’t just appeal to Millenials. 46% of […]
What Millennials look for in real estate agents [Infographic]
One of the media’s favorite words has got to be Millenials. I hear the term millenials in just about everything these days. Today, I happen to be listening in on a webinar on effective marketing when all of the sudden the conversation turned to Millenials and their habits. In fact the speaker commented that more […]
How Buyers & Sellers Choose a Real Estate Firm [Infographic]
Much is said about the importance of carefully choosing a real estate agent to work with. You can find many articles and blogs aimed at answering the question of how to choose a real estate agent and will all differ in some fashion. The reason is because choosing a realtor is a very personal choice with […]
Home is Never Far Away [Infographic]
Well, almost never. A recent Renters Survey conducted by California Association of Realtors® shows that most renters who plan to purchase in the near future will stay close to where they currently live. Here’s an infographic indicating how the numbers break down: Of those surveyed, 41% of renters said they’d live in the same county […]