As I manage my real estate business helping clients buy and sell their homes in Chula Vista, I constantly run across agents in the MLS (the multiple listing service) which all claim to be “Short Sale Experts”.
Funny enough, it’s been my experience that those same agents advertising themselves as “Short Sale Experts” are the ones that are clueless about short sales entirely.
Now I wouldn’t call myself an expert in the matter since there is no one set format by which short sales are completed.
I would however consider myself to be quite knowledgeable in the subject as I’ve helped clients of mine navigate this timely and extensive process.
If you think about Short Sales, what is a typical Short Sale?
1 loan? 2 loans? 3?
15% upside down? 30%? 50?
Who’s the lender?
And what if it’s a rental property?
Did the homeowners Refi?
Why can’t they pay?
Hmmm… No two scenarios are the same!
So how can ANYONE call them selves a “Short Sale Expert” when so many variables are in the mix? Not to mention the tax, credit and legal implications.
Quite frankly, it bothers me when I see that. I see fake credentials being given out by the San Diego Association of Realtors such as “SRS” that aren’t recognized by the National Association of Realtors. There is something wrong with that picture. To educate your self on the matter is one thing, but to pretend you know it all, claiming to be an expert, is deceiving and will hurt your clients and their view of the industry which by the way doesn’t have the greatest image to begin with.
The bottom line is this. If you need help with a short sale or any other real estate transaction for that matter, always go with those you trust and don’t be fooled by “Certified” or “Expert” agents claiming to know it all.