The San Marcos real estate market like most is ever changing. For this reason it is important to have accurate and up to date San Marcos housing data to make informed decisions on whether to buy or sell your San Marcos home. Below you will find Live San Marcos real estate data so feel free to come back periodically to see how the San Marcos real estate market has changed.
The Median Home Price for San Marcos, CA is based on single family homes for sale in San Marcos over the past six months. |
The Average Days on Market for San Marcos, CA is based on the number of days it takes a single family home for sale in San Marcos to be sold over the past six months. |
The Total Inventory for San Marcos, CA is based on the number of single family homes for sale in San Marcos over the past six months. |
The Median Market Action Index for San Marcos, CA is based on the balance between supply and demand using a statistical function of the current rate of sale versus current inventory. An MAI value greater than 30 typically indicates a “Seller’s Market”. |